Hangovers - The science & how to avoid them

Hangovers - The science & how to avoid them

If you've ever spent a night out drinking excessively, you are aware of the potential consequences for the next day. Indications of a severe hangover include fatigue, parched mouth, headache, and nausea.

Nobody likes hangovers. We pretend to not have them, or wear them with pride which is complete bravado. Or we make sure Nobody likes them.

Want to know how to avoid hangovers?  Don't drink alcohol. It's the only guaranteed way! (My guess is that's not the answer you want to hear and want to know alternatives to avoiding alcohol altogether - so keep reading).

But first a little bit of background...

Countries with Highest Hangover Ratios

 Hangovers are more common in the UK, Australia, Germany, USA and Canada.

Infographic: Brits Are The Worst for Hangovers | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Two out of every 10 UK respondents reported they feel the nasty hangover symptoms when they drink, and even more worrying is that people in the UK endure 2 x 36 hour long hangovers per month. This means that these people will spend an entire year of their life hungover.

Despite these statistics, the number of studies into hangovers and remedies are very small and we rely on word-of-mouth advice.

Why does alcohol consumption affect us so much?

You do not digest alcohol when you consume it. It enters your bloodstream quickly and makes its way throughout your entire body.

Alcohol first affects the brain, then the liver, kidneys, and lungs. The type of alcohol you drink, your age, gender, and weight all affect how it affects your body.

What happens in our bodies and brains during alcohol consumption?

Despite gaps in the level of understanding due to limited studies, some physiological impact is well known. There are biochemical and neurochemical changes.

What does this mean?  In simple terms, as our bodies process alcohol there are chemicals created that our bodies don't like, and the wiring in our bodies are impacted and our nervous system misfires.

Think of it like having some foreign material in the fuel for your car and your engine no longer performs as well.

Why are there so many hangover symptoms?

  • Sensitivity to Bright Light and Sounds
    • This is due to something called glutamate rebound which is your body trying to compensate for chemical imbalances after stop drinking
  • Headache
    • Also partly related to glutamate rebound, but also due to the body not liking some of the chemicals created as your system processes the alcohol
    • Dehydration is a well known side-effect of alcohol. Alcohol makes you pee more frequently and at a rate higher than the amount of liquid you drink. 
  • Stomach Issues
    • Alcohol damages the stomach and intestine lining, causing an unsettled stomach and nausea.

Does "Hair of the Dog" work?

No. But hear me out. 

"Hair of the Dog" originates from a method to treat a bite from a dog infected with rabies using the "hair from the dog that bit you".

It hardly sounds like any modern day medial treatment, but it evolved into a commonly used expression to treat a hangover with another drink of alcohol.

So what does consuming more alcohol do to your body while you are already recovering from the effects of consuming too much alcohol in the first place?

Well the harsh reality is that your body is suffering from alcohol withdrawal with a hangover, and consuming more alcohol reduces the withdrawal effects but delays recovery and extends the effects on your body. 

Find more gentle ways of helping your body recover, especially if you want to avoid long-term effects. 

Preventative Measures

The best and only guaranteed method for avoiding a hangover is to avoid alcohol altogether.

At a minimum your body will thank you for increasing the volume of water you drink during alcohol consumption, such as trying the 1-for-1 rule with one glass of water for every glass of alcohol. 

Ayurvedia Treatments - BEFORE Alcohol Consumption

  • Curcuma Longa (curcumin), Cichorium Intybus, and Phyllanthus Emblica have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation caused by alcohol consumption.
  • At the same time, Andrographis Paniculata and Phyllanthus Niruri can help protect and improve liver function.
  • VitFit has some tasty Hangover Strips with these ingredients that can be easily eaten prior to any expected 

Ayurvedic Treatments - After Alcohol Consumption

  • Lemon Tea - warm lemon tea with honey helps reduce inflammation in the body, boosts your immune system and metabolism, and increases sugars in the blood lost during alcohol consumption
  • Ginger Tea - also an anti-inflammatory and again honey is useful to help rebalance blood sugar levels and taste if ginger isn't a favourite flavour.

Guidance if Alcohol or Moderation Management is required

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